Knitting Patterns
For some, knitting is a way to honor our grandmother’s legacy, also to explore our creative side, which took years to unleash. Knitting stimulates the logical part of our brains. While we are knitting we are giving ourselves a mental workout, calculating how much yarn we need or the number of stitches and rows we need.
Knitted items donated are included in every shipment sent to community centres, nursing stations, women’s shelters and schools.
Knitted items donated are included in every shipment sent to community centres, nursing stations, women’s shelters and schools.
The Toddler Teddies and Izzy Dolls have a history of helping children.
They have been requested by the Northern Nursing Stations where the young patients can be given a doll to focus on and hug, then take home following procedures such as immunizations and casts.
They have been requested by the Northern Nursing Stations where the young patients can be given a doll to focus on and hug, then take home following procedures such as immunizations and casts.
A knit cap, originally of wool, now often of synthetic fibers is designed to provide warmth in cold weather. Typically, the knit cap is of simple, tapering constructions, though many variants exist. Being found all over the world where climate demands a warm hat, the knit cap can be found under a multitude of local names. This is pattern is for baby, youth and adult Minion Hats. |
The Northern schools, nurses and communities have requested Neck-warmers instead of scarves.
The staff have told us that these neck-warmers are the new safer replacement for young children on playgrounds.
The staff have told us that these neck-warmers are the new safer replacement for young children on playgrounds.
Twiddle Muff Patterin for dementia patients |
All clothing donations require packing slips,
please complete the Chapter Clothing Donation Form and include it in each package. |
When sending items to the IODE Ontario office please remember to call first.
To donate to these programs or any further inquiries about this department email [email protected]