Isolated Communities We Support
The chapters are aware of pressing world problems and are willing to be of service wherever it is needed. With the stress on Canadian programs continuing to grow we endeavor to assit our remote northern neighbours.
Boxes are sent to community centres, nursing stations, women’s shelters and schools. Articles shipped include many hand-knitted hats, mitts, socks, afghans, sewn quilts and receiving blankets. These are made and donated by members across the province. Baby clothing and layettes are in great demand, as are warm, winter jackets and track suits. Personal hygiene and dental care products, socks, underwear and blankets are also well received.
Boxes are sent to community centres, nursing stations, women’s shelters and schools. Articles shipped include many hand-knitted hats, mitts, socks, afghans, sewn quilts and receiving blankets. These are made and donated by members across the province. Baby clothing and layettes are in great demand, as are warm, winter jackets and track suits. Personal hygiene and dental care products, socks, underwear and blankets are also well received.
Northern Ontario
1. Wapekeka Community Centre, Angling Lake
2. Kattiwapiskat Education Centre, Attiwapiskat 3. Aglace Chapman Education Centre, Nursing Station, Big Trout Lake 4. John C. Yesno Education Centre, Eabamet Lake 6. Mary Bergland Health Clinic, Ignace 7. Swanson Mekanak Memorial Health Centre, Kingfisher Lake 8. Moosonee Family Resource Centre, Moosonee 9. Family Treatment Centre, Nellie Fiddler Memorial Health Centre, Muskrat Dam 10. Missabay Community School, Mishkeegamamong First Nation, New Osnaburgh 11. Nursing Clinic, North Spirit Lake 12. Savant Lake School, Savant Lake 13. North Caribou Lake Band Office, Nursing Station, Weagamow Lake 14. Band Office, Wunnimun Lake |
To donate to this program or any further inquiries about this department email [email protected]