Sarnia- Lambton Municipal Awards
The IODE Sarnia-Lambton Municipal Chapter upon disbandment in 2020 donated $90,000 to the Lambton-Kent District School Board to provide funding for ten bursaries or scholarships valued at $1,000 each for the next ten years to secondary school graduates within Lambton County who are pursuing a post-secondary education at a college or university.
Recipients for 2024 were:
IODE Hon. Pauline McGibbon University Scholarship - Anna McAuley, Great Lakes SS IODE Sarnia-Lambton Municipal University Scholarship - Yoobin Kim, Great Lakes SS IODE Sarnia-Lambton Municipal Education Award:
Recipients for 2023 were:
IODE Hon. Pauline McGibbon University Scholarship - Elisabeth Mark, Northern Collegiate IODE Sarnia-Lambton Municipal University Scholarship - Bryce Koolen, North Lambton SS IODE Sarnia-Lambton Municipal Education Award:
Recipients for 2022 were:
IODE Hon. Pauline McGibbon University Scholarship - Sebina Churchill, NCIVS IODE Sarnia-Lambton Municipal University Scholarship - Emma Patchett, LCCVI IODE Sarnia-Lambton Municipal Education Award:
Recipients for 2021 were:
Hon. Pauline McGibbon Scholarship - Aditya Damani, Northern Collegiate IODE Sarnia-Lambton Municipal Scholarship - Ramtin Parvari, Northern Collegiate IODE Sarnia-Lambton Municipal Award:
Recipients for 2020 were:
IODE Hon. Pauline McGibbon Scholarship - Cassidy Hirtle, Northern Collegiate IODE Sarnia-Lambton Municipal Scholarship - Blake Freer, Northern Collegiate IODE Sarnia-Lambton Municipal Award: