Adopted Schools - Classrooms Program
The IODE Adopted Schools - Classrooms Program was initiated in 1923, to improve literacy among the children in remote Ontario communities. IODE chapters, individuals and members support classrooms and teachers in Northern Ontario, Labrador and Nunavut.
The Primary focus of the Adopted Schools program is to augment educational programs in these schools. Many packages of crafts, library books, magazines, computer programs, videos, games and other educational materials are shipped to schools. If teachers indicate need, IODE chapters and members respond by sending clothing, footwear, recreational equipment and dental kits. Very often prizes, decorations, card, candy and gifts are included in the parcels. Through this program, IODE Ontario hopes to provide some measure of equal opportunity for children in remote areas and our caring IODE members place great importance on establishing a warm relationship with these children and their teachers. |
Moosenee Public School, Moosenee
St Andrews's School, Kashechewan
John C Yesno School, Eabmet Lake
Thomas Fiddler Elementary School, Sandy Lake
Lawrence Wesley Education Centre, Cat Lake
Deer Lake First Nation School, Deer Lake
Attawapiskat Elementary School, Attawapiskat
Martin McKay Memorial School, Sachigo Lake
To donate to this Fund or any further inquiries about this department email [email protected]